Establish program requirements by assessing your physical needs through discussions and reviewing any "wish lists".
Existing Conditions Survey:
Measure and take photographs where work is to be done. Prepare scaled and dimensional drawings of the building for a remodel. A land survey and contour map will be required for all new buildings.
Schematic Design:
Prepare a minimum of three alternative conceptual plans showing room layouts and adjacencies. Conceptual three-dimentional drawings showing exterior and interior views will be prepared to establish a stylistic design direction for your selected alternative.
At the end of this phase, a preliminary construction cost estimate for the project may be obtained in order to monitor and control costs. This is done by consulting with local contractors. These numbers will be somewhat rough, but useful as a planning guide.
Design Development Phase:
Refinements of the client's approved Schematic Design drawings to include complete floor plans, exterior elevations, sections, and interior elevations of all areas of where work is to be performed. Selection of specific building materials and finishes.
Construction Documents Phase:
Prepare detailed drawings and specifications required for formal bidding, construction and to obtain a permit.
Assistance in hiring the appropriate contractor for the project.
Construction Administration:
Services are performed at regular job site meetings and on the telephone through coordination with contractor during construction.